Serefina's Playground (SW Research & Analyses)


If you are one of the fantastic summoners that has opted to assist in my Summoner War's Research, please see the links below to participate!

If you have one or two instances or observations to input, please use the survey link as it is an automated form made easy to use!

Current Research

5 Star & Lightning Summons: Research into when and how 5 star summons and lightning summons occur throughout the day. Searches for time-related patterns and impact of content updates.

Summon Methods: Explores how monsters are summoned and whether or not certain summon methods (mystical scrolls vs crystals for example) are superior or inferior.

Summon Frequencies: Explores whether what you summoned within 5 minutes and 18-30 seconds before impacts what you'll summon next.

Future Research

Temple of Wishes- How Does it Work and Is it Rigged?

Essence, Rune Drop, & Summon Correlations - Is there a relationship?

Shop Refreshing vs Packs - Is it worth it?

How to Participate in the Research

Survey Link (All Studies):

If you are one of the fantastic folks that has been collecting numerous occurrences and would like to add them in all at once, you may also input your results manually in this collaborative spreadsheet.

Manual Data Entry Link (5 Star Research):

How Do I Fill in This Form?

Date: The date of the summon you witnessed or the day you summoned.
Star: The star grade of the monster summoned
Time: The exact time you summoned the monster or saw it summoned
Monster: The name or type of the monster. If it is not awakened do no input an awakened name but rather the un-awakened name.
Element: The element of the monster.
Time Zone: Your timezone. You may input your city and country name if you aren't sure or look it up online (or on your cellphone).
Added By: Give yourself an alias. (This is so if I get multiple reports of the same monster summoned at the exact time I can remove one of them (since people are reporting the same thing).
Summon Method: The scroll type you used to summon, or if it was gems or stones.
# Scroll Used: Number of scrolls you used within 5 minutes before summoning that monster without leaving your island (or getting any new loading screens) or logging out.

If you are an analyst and wish to offer your analytical services:
Please contact me via email at I'd be happy to have any assistance I can get! 

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