Saturday, November 28, 2015

Building Your Own Giants B10 Team

Throughout my time playing Summoner's War, I've got a lot of questions thrown my way, but none as popular as:

"Can you help me make a B10 team?"

Every older player has heard it at least once and its a valid question that plagues most people, and while there are a number of team suggestions on YouTube, well... a lot of the time people don't have the right monsters to copy it. So I've put this little info-graphic together that reduced what a B10 team looks like to a simple formula you can customize to suit your needs.

As a F2P player, I've geared my examples here to reflect easily obtainable monsters; however, in the case of the dragons speed team, you're a bit out of luck if you don't have Verdehile, a Theomars, or a Hwa. But I'm getting a head of myself, first we've got our friend, the big, blue giant!

The Giants B10 Team

Now why does this team structure work? Let's consider how our big, blue friend behaves, shall we? 

The Damage Reducer
You hit him 6 times, he gets grumpy and attacks, sadly for us, he doesn't really know his own strength and is liable to crush us to tiny pieces. That's where the damage reducer comes in! Using a combination of glancing debuffs (Shannon), defense buffs (Shannon again--or Megan if you really want her), shields (like Acasis), or passive skills that reduce damage (Darion and Diaz) those life-threatening attacks became merely bruising reminders to be more careful.

The Dot
He's big, he's blue---his HP is MASSIVE! Rather than balking at how you can't possible do 100k damage on this burly, bloke, you play smart: you choose Dots. Slowly eroding that giant hp 5% at a time, all you have to do is wait, and survive, for the big guy to kill himself. Talk about slingshots, huh!

The Speed Buffer
He may be big, but he's certainly not lumbering! Those two naughty little crystals are more than ready to keep him ready to hit and smash faster than you can run and hide with attack gauge boosts. That's why you bring a speed buffer! By increasing your own speed, you'll get more turns and more chances to either fill him up with DOTs or to put up your shields and buffs!

The Healer
Do I have to say it? If you've played this long you know that big, deadly things take a while to kill, so it's always good to have someone along that can fix you right up! If they can break defense and boost your attack gauge while at it, well, I think you just found your soul mate!

The Player's Choice
Depending on the group of friends you've chosen to invite to this party, you probably will need a certain, special type of help to help you succeed. Those with unreliable DOT dealers or using a speed lead will want a secondary DOT or Nuker to join the team (especially something that damages based off enemy HP). Those with survival issues (like if your runes suck) will want to bring along a second healer or another damage reducer, and if you're really having problems, you may want to even bring a revive (but that's not really suggested). Most of the time though, you'll be filling this role with another damage reducer or a healer because if you're farming B10 for this first time, well, your runes probably suck.

HP or Speed Lead

Not a strict necessity, but running a HP lead like Veromos will keep you free to work most of your team with 5 Star monsters rather than spending time getting squishy buddies like Shannon and Bernard the extra HP making them 6 Star promises. A speed lead, in contrast, will promise to keep you safe by virtue of making you much, much faster than the big guy, so if you can bring two DOT dealers or something amazing like Orochi, you're set. 

Next up, the anatomy of a Dragon's B10 team, so stay tuned!

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